We provide a comprehensive field study service for evaluation of plant protection products, tests for assessing biological efficacy, selectivity, effects on succeeding crops. The tests are set up and conducted according to EPPO standards. Herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators, seed protectants are tested for field crops (cereals, rape, sunflower, poppy, beet, potato) and special crops as milk thistle (Silybum marianum), purple tansy (Phacelia tanacetifolia), etc.
GEP trials

Demonstration trials
We provide demonstration trials to show the efficacy on special weed types, variability and dosage at the treatments, specific variety tests, etc..
Artificial inoculation
For artificial inoculation we use own cultures and cultures from CCM - Czech Collection of Microorganisms, Masaryk University, Faculty of Science or CBS - The Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures Fungal Biodiversity Centre Netherlands.

Container tests
Trials in the containers are performed under specific and controlled conditions in the climatic box or laboratory.